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Environmental, Social, and Governance

ReconAfrica’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) guiding principles are designed to make our company accountable for conducting our business activities responsibly and to align with the expectations of our communities and other stakeholders. Our environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria provide a basis for measuring our performance against the global standards that we have committed to; in particular, information on our project activities, in relation to measurable norms that chart progress on our commitment to responsible development, will be accessible.

Our Company considers it a privilege to work with our community partners and other stakeholders and takes ESG standards seriously. With respect to our environmental criteria, we strive to partner with others and to be a steward of the natural environment in the areas where we work. Our social criteria help us to assess the fairness, transparency, and effectiveness of our interactions with communities, stakeholders and partners including our suppliers and contractors. Our governance criteria allow us to monitor progress and improve on our goal of equitable decision-making and to determine the effectiveness of our internal controls in meeting our commitments to stakeholders and shareholders and our obligations to regulators.

We are committed to doing business in compliance with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and the associated policies; ReconAfrica also adheres to the Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (ESTMA).  We are assured that pursuing responsible development in cooperation with our community partners and others stakeholders will enable us to maintain sustainable growth, create shareholder value and reinforce the significance of our current and future business for stakeholders and shareholders alike.