TSXV: RECO $0.57

Vendors, Contractors & Suppliers

ReconAfrica encourages local sourcing of vendors, contractors and suppliers. It’s important to us to bring opportunity to those living, working and operating businesses in the areas where we operate.

We encourage local, regional and national businesses to provide information about their companies as we continue to build our database of the various types of services, expertise and products available to us in Namibia and Botswana.  We are currently in the exploration phase in Namibia, have hired and will continue to hire local residents to support our efforts.  Botswana is not yet in the exploration phase, but we hope to be in the near future and are currently building our database of companies that could support us as we progress.

Types of Services, Products and Expertise se we may require during our project life-cycle:

  • Construction
  • Oilfield services
  • Transportation
  • Fuel – Supply and Delivery
  • Materials and parts supply
  • Industrial Services
  • Food and Beverage
  • Hotels and Lodging
  • Environmental Services and Reclamation
  • Water Well Drilling
  • Communications Services
  • Professional Services (Engineering, Project Management, Accounting etc.)
  • Emergency Response and Medical
  • Emergency Management

ReconAfrica - what they have to follow. If you would like us to add you to our vendor database please send us an email at vendors@reconafrica.com

Within the email please include the category of your services, a brief summary of your services and your contact information (contact point name, company address, phone, email, website address if you have one).

operations and vendors