TSXV: RECO $0.56

Environmental, Health & Safety

ReconAfrica is committed to the protection of the environment, health and safety (EH&S).  EH&S considerations will be an integral part of daily operations and  having a strong Environment, Social and Governance approach to business is critical to our business standards. We implement Environmental, Health & Safety measures by:

  • implementing sustainable project actions;
  • enhancing job-safe and efficient productivity measures; and
  • taking proactive steps in environment, social and governance.

We, along with our personnel, contractors and service providers follow ReconAfrica's Environment, Health and Safety Policy Statement and it cites:

We are committed to the protection the environment and the health and safety of its employees, contractors, customers and the public. EH&S considerations will be an integral part of daily operations and will be incorporated into the decision-making process for all employees, while being supported with the appropriate level of resources, education and training.

We believe that promoting a safe and healthy workplace, striving to operate without doing harm to the environment and being a responsible corporate citizen contribute to continued business success through enhanced job productivity, lower costs, improved work quality and greater employee satisfaction.

In support of these objectives, ReconAfrica will:

  • Hold its management and employees accountable for the Company’s EH&S performance. The performance requirements and expectations will be clearly communicated and extend to contractors and other parties engaged in activities on the Company’s properties;
  • Design and manage operations to minimize environmental and human health impacts and provide a workplace free of unmitigated safety hazards;
  • Comply with all laws, rules and regulations governing Company activities;
  • Recognize the importance of EH&S factors relative to economic factors;
  • Provide appropriate resources and programs supporting EH&S, which include employee training and professional staff;
  • Monitor, evaluate and periodically report EH&S performance to the employees; • Participate in programs designed to enhance EH&S knowledge and improve EH&S knowledge and improve technology and standards.

Health safety