TSXV: RECO $0.57

ESG Overview

ReconAfrica’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach to business includes collaboration with communities, governments (including national, regional, local and Traditional Authorities) and other key stakeholders. We have developed a comprehensive series of internal corporate governance policies aimed at directing and managing the Company’s operations. We are committed to complying with regulatory standards and with our own policies and practices. Our ESG approach considers operational developments and feedback from a range of Namibian, Botswana, and international stakeholders, together with ESG experts. The ESG team members work with various departments so that our project activities are consistent with our ESG commitments including compliance with national laws and international standards.

Sustainability Report    

ESG Key Sector Areas

Our key ESG areas provide a basis for reviewing our performance against global standards. These key ESG areas include:

  • operational performance
  • community outreach projects (agriculture, health & wellness and education)
  • corporate governance processes
  • water and air quality
  • biodiversity
  • reforestation
  • waste management
  • regulatory consultation, stakeholder and Indigenous engagement
  • issues & concerns (grievance) management
  • human rights standards
  • gender and diversity
  • labour standards & human resource processes
  • climate change and carbon emissions
  • data protection and privacy for management of information


How we address environmental initiatives and implement environmental monitoring and initiatives (air, water, land, wildlife)


How we manage our relationships with governments, communities, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders


How we, as a company govern ourselves legally and ethically – corporate structure and protocols, transparency in accounting and reporting, diversity and opportunity, human resource fairness policies and enforcement, human rights and shareholder obligations

Environmental Initiatives

  • Water management plan
  • Biodiversity protection
  • Wildlife surveying & monitoring
  • Reforestation projects
  • Waste Management Systems

ReconAfrica is committed to protecting the environment, minimizing disturbances.  We have conducted comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessments (“EIAs”) and Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) for our stratigraphic wells and our seismic programs and we have our Environmental Clearance Certificates (ECCs) and required permissions in place. ReconAfrica complies with legal, regulatory standards, policies and practices, working with all levels of government to ensure all the right steps are taken.

ReconAfrica conducts water and soil sampling as part of our ongoing monitoring, working closely with government agencies, who enforce compliance with regulations. ReconAfrica has not applied for, does not have the intention to, nor has it been granted permits to allow ‘fracing’ – a point which ReconAfrica, and the governments of Namibia and Botswana have gone to great lengths to publicly confirm.

Voluntary Exclusion Areas

ReconAfrica is not operating in the Okavango Delta, Tsodilo Hills, RAMSAR and National Parks and these are excluded from our licences. In addition, our company has self-imposed no-go and buffer zones to protect the environment and wildlife, including a 10-km setback from the Okavango River and a 20-km setback from the Okavango Delta. Our operating plans, which are reviewed, monitored and approved by governments and Traditional Authorities, have been designed with the goal of minimal negative impact and maximum positive benefit to Namibia.

Exploratory Drilling with Integrity

We have implemented technologically advanced drilling practices, protecting each well with steel casing (pipes) encased in cement to provide the structural integrity necessary to prevent fluids from entering or escaping while in the various steps of the drilling process. ReconAfrica has also chosen to put in place additional measures to protect the environment by using drilling fluids that are water-based and biodegradable materials.

Seismic Data Gathering with Environmental Controls

ReconAfrica is implementing a technically advanced and environmentally responsible seismic survey system, reflective of the importance we place on environmental, social and governance practices. 

ReconAfrica’s seismic operations are conducted over routes, with low-frequency equipment to protect wildlife communication. We do not operate at night, when elephants and other wildlife species typically communicate.


Social Initiatives

  • Community water well program
  • Stakeholder & Indigenous engagement
  • Issues & concerns management
  • Commitment to human rights 
  • Labour Standards and Human Resources procedures
  • Kavango East & Kavango West local community and regional hiring
  • National and regional procurement 
  • Gender and diversity
  • Health & wellness initiatives
  • Education: STEAM and San Nursing Student Scholarships
  • ESG Community Outreach Projects

Providing Safe Drinking Water Where it’s Most Needed

ReconAfrica continues to bring safe potable water to Kavango East and Kavango West residents. Working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR), we have drilled and donated  36 solar-powered community water wells with over 10,000 community members using these water wells as per information gathered by MAWLR.  

Community, Stakeholder and Indigenous Engagement

ReconAfrica has held more than 1900 community and stakeholder engagement sessions with communities and impacted stakeholders in local languages, to carefully track concerns and address them in follow-up sessions. ReconAfrica has held multiple engagements with the five recognised Royal Houses in the Kavango East and Kavango West regions.

Certain of our engagement sessions are targeted at women and young adults as part of our commitment to diversity and in an effort to ensure broad-based consultation and fact-finding.

ReconAfrica has  local community liaison officers as part of our ESG team to provide an ongoing cycle of communication with stakeholders as well as implementing ESG activities related to our Operational requirements. 

We have worked closely with Traditional Authorities and communities for close to 4 years to address issues of concern and earn support for our planned exploration program. We have also completed engagement sessions with the San and traditional ethnic communities around our seismic program areas as well outside of our licence area. 

ReconAfrica updates key parties in international organisations, such as the Permanent Okavango River Basin Water Commission (“OKACOM”) and Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (“KAZA TFCA”), along with Canadian government representatives. We are also directly engaging established Conservancies, Farmers’ Unions, Community Forest representatives, SAN (Indigenous) representatives, religious organisations and other key civil service organisations. 

Thinking, Training and Hiring Locally

ReconAfrica places strong emphasis on hiring locally and nationally as local content is highly valued. We have had over 2400 roles filled by Namibian residents for our ongoing exploration activities includng for our different operations, ESG and management requirements, with more to come. They’ve worked in roles such as: electricians; rig floorhands; project managers; seismic panga crew; material technical specialists (construction, environment, wildlife surveying, water, and hydrology); health, safety and environmental experts; administrative assistants; garden site workers; and general and casual laborers.  Our hiring program includes members from the San communities. 

Additionally, ReconAfrica is working with educational institutions to enhance on-site training programs directly related to the environment and to drilling and seismic activities.

ReconAfrica works with local, regional, and national business suppliers and service providers in a broad range of sectors, including water well drilling; construction; logistics and transport; telecom; camp management; training; medical services and supplies; human resources and contracting; engineering and project management; and environmental services.

We implement compliance requirements for procurement and hiring requirements. We have a strong commitment to gender and diversity, with a focus on increasing the number of women hired locally.


Governance Initiatives

“At ReconAfrica, we are committed to doing business in compliance with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and our relevant policies. We value our ESG approach to business while creating shareholder value as it is important to us to reinforce during our current and in future operations activities.”
—Brian Reinsborough 
 President and CEO

The following documents are the basis for our Corporate Governance:

Our team rolled out a Corporate Governance training program for in-country, contractors and company personnel.  


ESG overview

The comprehensive collection of policies and practices underpins our activities, and are embedded in our Company’s culture. With our approach to ESG, we seek to grow while respecting the  environments in which we operate. That is also why we are committed to no spills, no waste, and no injuries, because these are pivotal to our success. By driving excellent team performance, and providing our employees with appropriate measures, we navigate external forces and deliver on our pledges.