TSXV: RECO $1.02

Our ESG Approach to Business

ESG Overview

ESG in Action

Collaborating on a number of initiatives related to water, wildlife and reforestation, in addition to ongoing social initiatives.

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Our ESG Initiatives

Aligning ESG projects and Initiatives with our ESG key areas of focus.

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Key Stats


Local Content Roles


$ Committed to ESG Initiatives


Scholarships Granted


Community Water Wells Drilled and/or Installed to date


Community Engagement Sessions for Drilling and Seismic

The Voices of Kavango

Community outreach is a priority and an integral part of our long-term plans in Kavango East and Kavango West. Voices of Kavango explores the issues that matter to local communities and ReconAfrica’s commitment to bring opportunity to Namibia and Botswana.

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Opportunities for Namibians and Batswana

Opportunities for Namibians and Batswana to gain the knowledge and skills needed to participate in oil and gas development.

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Stakeholder Engagement

Numerous regulatory and engagement sessions regarding our seismic and stratigraphic drilling programs were completed directly with communities

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Community Outreach

We support community outreach initiatives that matter to Kavango West and Kavango East.

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