TSXV: RECO $0.57

ESG in Action

ESG Projects and Activities include:

ReconAfrica has committed N$112 million – CAD$10 million to ESG Community Outreach projects in Namibia.

  • ReconAfrica continues to bring safe potable water to Kavango East and Kavango West resident and works closely with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR). We have drilled and donated solar-powered community water wells at 36 locations with over 10,000 community members using these community water wells as per surveys completed MAWLR.   
  • ReconAfrica responded to calls for assistance by the Government of Namibia with a contribution to the country’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout campaign, along with support of regional health initiatives in hard-to-reach communities in Kavango East and Kavango West; this was followed by a second wave of support by ReconAfrica to provide oxygen and medical equipment
  • ReconAfrica, in collaboration with educational specialists, is funding 10 scholarships in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (“STEAM”) for new high-school graduates in Kavango East and Kavango West
  • ReconAfrica, in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare, is sponsoring seven nursing students from the San communities of Kavango East and Kavango West
  • In collaboration with the Namibia University of Science and Technology, ReconAfrica is supporting an initiative to provide an oil-and-gas educational option for Namibian students
  • Donations of school materials and sports equipment to more than 40 schools in Kavango East and Kavango West
  • ReconAfrica sponsored a shoes-for-schools project – Never Walk Alone – to provide shoes for students in need
  • Our company also participated in Namibia’s We Race Together drive, an annual relay race that brings together Namibians from every region to promote nation-building and support social initiatives across the country
  • ReconAfrica provided emergency funding for Namibian students who were stranded in Ukraine due to the ongoing military conflict.

We also have ongoing ESG projects including

  • Completing water sampling and data gathering to provide the government with pertinent information.
  • Supporting Namibia’s wildlife collaring and management program, led by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT); our support of collaring initiatives for elephants, crocodiles and other important and valued wildlife in Namibian National Parks and surrounding areas is ongoing.
  • Working on reforestation initiatives in collaboration with forestry and arboreal experts from MEFT, Conservancies, Community Forests and third-party consultants.
  • Continue to sponsor independently led and privately held stakeholder and indigenous engagement activities related to our project to promote external dialogue and awareness in our license areas.
  • Development of Human Rights Policy Statement as part of our Corporate Governance requirements. This is highly valued by our Board and Executive Leadership Team and is required to be followed by our company representatives, contractors and third-party service companies.
  • We adhere to in-country labour standards and track required permits, visas and other human resources compliance requirements. We welcome feedback from our national, regional and local team members. 
  • Collaborated on Operational Performance research assistance, supporting agriculturally focused projects in the critical area of livelihood enhancement
  • Track issues and concerns and follow-up with our stakeholders. 
  • Have waste management system in place overseen by regional experts and REN EHS and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) teams.
  • Rolled out Corporate Governance training programs for in-country employees and contractors, creating a structure and culture that fosters and commits to responsible and ethical behaviour throughout the company

Medical equipment donation

REN’s Country General Manager handing over the second tranche of the medical equipment for Kavango East and Kavango West regions to the Namibian Minister of Health and Social Services.

Extending Best Practices to Botswana

ReconAfrica conducts its initial project work in Botswana through its Reconnaissance Energy Botswana PTY Ltd. (REB) subsidiary. ReconAfrica’s licences exclude National Parks in Namibia and Botswana, the Tsodilo Hills, RAMSAR in Botswana, and the Okavango Delta. Our company also self-imposes additional buffer zones to protect the environment and wildlife. 

  • REB have a management team which is comprised completely of Batswana. 
  • We have completed various desktop studies and field studies including stakeholder mapping, regulatory review, hydrogeology including groundwater and groundwater calculations conducted by a third-party Botswana company. 
  • REB has not yet started any exploration work in the Botswana licence area and will have approved environmental impact assessments, and required regulatory permitting in place prior to any exploration activites taking place.