TSXV: RECO $0.57

Community Outreach

ReconAfrica’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach to business is designed to align business activities in collaboration with communities, governments – local, regional, and national – Traditional Authorities and other key stakeholders in Kavango West and Kavango East. We have a variety of community outreach project including:  community water wells that bring safe potable water to Kavango East and Kavango West residents,  support of regional health initiatives in hard-to-reach communities in Kavango East and Kavango West and providing oxygen and medical equipment to regionally accessible hospitals,  scholarships in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (“STEAM”) for new high-school graduates in Kavango East and Kavango West, sponsoring  nursing students from the San communities of Kavango East and Kavango West who have the opportunity to work in the Namibian healthcare system upon completion of their studies, various other educational and training opportunities, donations of school materials and sports equipment,  sponsored projects impacting the Kavango East and Kavango West regions include shoes-for-schools project – Never Walk Alone – to provide shoes for students in need,  sponsoring regional business development and youth programmes amongst others.

Our commitment to communities goes well beyond economic development and job creation. 

We support community outreach initiatives that matter to Kavango West and Kavango East


Roles Created for Namibians during our Operations and related activities


$ Committed to ESG Initiatives


$ Invested to Health and Wellness Programmes


Scholarships - STEAM and SAN nursing students


Community Water Wells Drilled and/or Installed to Date


Community Engagement Sessions for Drilling and Seismic

To date, ReconAfrica has committed N$112 million – CAD$10 million – to ESG initiatives in Namibia, part of which will go to supporting ESG Community Outreach projects that fit these criteria.

ReconAfrica is engaging regularly with communities across Kavango East and Kavango West and we encourage those living in the area to share their ideas and thoughts with local leaders on how ReconAfrica can best support you and your community. You can also contact us via our community liaison officers or ESG team members, when they are in your area, in the Rundu or Windhoek offices. 

We will also be developing a program for Botswana that will be tailored to the needs identified by Batswana.