TSXV: RECO $0.56

Local Hiring

We are committed to bringing jobs to locals who live in the areas we are exploring.

We are committed to bringing jobs to locals who live in the areas we are exploring. Our commitment goes well beyond local hiring.  We provide scholarships to students in Kavango East and Kavango West to attend local educational institutions in science, technology, engineering, Arts and mathematics (STEAM) - all key areas to build a successful career in the oil and gas industry.  We also provide scholarships in various nursing programmes to San students from Kavango East and Kavango West. 

As well, combined with our on-site job training by our team of experienced industry professionals, those living in our operating regions are getting opportunities to learn, enhance their positions and build a long-term career in the industry if a commercially viable resource is discovered.

As we move forward in our exploration activities Botswana, past the desktop studies and analysis, we will take the same approach and value the importance of local content. 

If you live in Namibia or Botswana, we want to hear from you.  Send us an email.



local hiring

ReconAfrica also conducts career fairs and advertising job postings locally for those who may not have access to our website. Please check your local newspapers, radio and local job boards for opportunities.

The goal is to foster local hiring and skills development to support a nationally-based oil and gas industries in Namibia and Botswana.