TSXV: RECO $0.58

Exploratory Drilling

Exploring Petroleum Exploration Licence 73 in Namibia and Petroleum Exploration Licence 001 in Botswana

ReconAfrica is working collaboratively with national governments to explore oil and gas potential in Northeast Namibia and Northwest Botswana. In all aspects of our operations, we are using proven, safe, effective technologies and applying rigorous safety and environmental protection standards.

Exploration Drilling Program 

ReconAfrica has received permission from the Government of Namibia to drill conventional exploration and appraisal wells in addition to stratigraphic test wells to provide a more complete picture of the geological formations in the area. To date, we are currently drilling the first exploration well in the Damara Fold Belt (Naingopo) and have drilled three conventional stratigraphic test wells in in the Kavango Rift Basin (Kawe, Mbambi and Makandina), in Namibia. The first two wells, drilled in 2021, proved there is a conventional working petroleum system in the Kavango Sedimentary Basin. The third well, drilled in the fall of 2022, also showed evidence of oil and gas.

This is a conventional drilling program. We have no license to produce oil or to engage in hydraulic fracturing (‘fracing’). Data from the wells and seismic programs have been used to determine drilling locations that will aim to achieve commercial accumulations of oil and natural gas resources eventually leading to commercial production.

Exploratory Drilling

Drilling Locations

ReconAfrica is working with government ministries and regulators to identify sensitive areas are identified and subsequently avoided.

ReconAfrica is not drilling near migratory routes or any other area that would adversely impact wildlife. National Parks, the Tsodilo Hills and the Okavango Delta are outside of our licence and the project has set additional buffer zones to protect the environment and wildlife  that include a 10-km setback from the Okavango River and 20-km setbacks from the Okavango Delta.

100% Organic Drilling Fluid 

ReconAfrica is using a 100% organic, fresh water-based, biodegradable, drilling fluid system that minimizes environmental impacts.  Water-based systems are the best approach to protect the environment. We install a layer of black liner at the top of the reserve pit simply to prevent erosion.

Drilling fluids keep the drill bit cool and bring rock cuttings to the surface that we study to determine if there are elements potential oil and/or gas systems present.